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Default Day


This property allows you to set your own selected day in place of the default selected day, so that on start the day scroll field will immediately scroll to that specific day.

This property only works if TodayAsDefaultDay property is set to false and this property works in conjunction with DefaultMonth & DefaultYear.

The selected day must be valid according to the selected DefaultMonth and DefaultYear.




AMADatePicker.ADP.DefaultDay = 29; 


using UnityEngine;
using AMADatePicker;

public class DateViewer : MonoBehavior

// Get reference to an ADP instance through the inspector
[SerializeField] private ADP _ADPInstance;

// Setting default date as August 29, 1989
private void Start()
    _ADPInstance.TodayAsDefaultDay = false;

    _ADPInstance.DefaultMonth = 8;
    _ADPInstance.DefaultDay = 29;
    _ADPInstance.DefaultYear = 1989;

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